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Primitive Controls

Primitive Controls are the simplest controls. They can be created by specifying the literal value you want to use.
This is how Flipbook's controls are created

These controls are a shorthand for the Primitive Control Object which is what UI Labs uses internally.

UI Labs will automatically search for literal values in your story and create the control values for you.
But you can also create them manually, sometimes, allowing you to further customize some of them.

Supported Primitives are:

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Color3

Let's create all of them with literal values:

local controls = {
   String = "Hello UI Labs!",
   Number = 10,
   Boolean = true,
   Color3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),

local story = {
   controls = controls,
   story = ...

return story
const controls = {
   String: "Hello UI Labs!",
   Number: 10,
   Boolean: true,
   Color3: Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),

const story = {
   controls: controls,
   story: ...

export = story;

Creating Primitive Controls Manually

As we said earlier, providing the literal is a shorthand, You can create them manually with the provided constructors in the Utility Package

These are the constructors:

String Control


String(def, filters? )


  • def: string Default control value
  • filters: ArrayOptional Array of filters that changes the input, They are functions that takes the new input and the old input, and returns a filtered input. These filters are applied in order of the array

Number Control


Number( def, min? , max? , step? , dragger? , sens? )


  • def number Default control value
  • min numberOptional Minimum accepted value    Default: -inf
  • max numberOptional Maximum accepted value    Default: inf
  • step numberOptional The increment/decrement step of the control   Default: nil
  • dragger booleanOptional If the control should have a drag handle    Default: true
  • sens numberOptional The sensitivity of the control. If not given, the def argument will be used    Default: def

Boolean Control




  • def boolean The default value of the control

Color3 Control




  • def Color3 The default value of the control


Lets create all of them using the constructors:

local UILabs = require(...) -- Path of your Utility Package
local Datatype = UILabs.Datatype

local controls = {
   String = UILabs.String("Hello UI Labs!"),
   Number = UILabs.Number(10),
   Boolean = UILabs.Boolean(true),

   -- Color3 is inside "Datatype", this is to avoid name collisions
   Color3 = Datatype.Color3(Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0))

local story = {
   controls = controls,
   story = ...

return story
import { Datatype, String, Number, Boolean, Color3 } from "@rbxts/ui-labs"

const controls = {
   String: String("Hello UI Labs!"),
   Number: Number(10),
   Boolean: Boolean(true),

   // Color3 is inside "Datatype", this is to avoid name collisions
   Color3: Datatype.Color3(Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0))

const story = {
   controls: controls,
   story: ...