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Extra Features

Additionally, Let's see some extra features that UI Labs offers.

Zoom Buttons

View In Explorer

You can view your story in the roblox explorer by
selecting the View In Explorer button in the side toolbar.


Auto Reloading

By default, UI Labs will detect any changes on the scripts you have required and automatically reload the story. You can turn this off.

Right Click your Story Tab and toggle Auto Reload


This allows you to compare different versions of the same story by mounting it twice, and turning Auto Reload off on one of them.

Hiding Stories

You can hide stories when you have multiple of them mounted. This disables the Visible property.

For this you can Right Click your Story Tab and choose Hide
You can show it again by clicking Un-hide


Creating Snapshots

You can create a snapshot of the current story UI by Right Click your Story Tab and choosing Create Snapshot

This clones the current UI and saves it in a ScreenGui inside StarterGui

This will not clone the story, only the UI. No code will be running
